Boeing Employees Golf Association

Boeing Recreation​
Associate Membership Category
Clubs may now have up to 20% of their total number of members be associate members, as defined herein.
To be eligible as an associate member, an individual must be:
Former employees:
​An individual who voluntarily terminated their employment or individuals who were previously employed by the company and terminated due to a reduction in workforce. Former employees must provide evidence of their termination status such as a copy of their resignation letter or a copy of their reduction in workforce notice, prior to approval of their associate membership.
Former employees who were fired for cause from The Boeing Company are not eligible for associate membership.
Immediate family member:
Non-dependent children/stepchildren (as defined by Boeing benefits).
Brothers and sisters.
The spouse/domestic partner (as defined by Boeing benefits) and dependent children of the person applying for associate membership are also eligible for club membership under the associate membership policy.
Conditions of Membership
Associate members cannot sponsor an immediate family member for associate membership.
An Associate member may not hold office.
Associate members shall agree in writing prior to approval of membership to comply with all rules, bylaws, and standards established for the safety and well being of the members of the recreation clubs.
Associate members who violate safety or conduct rules established by Boeing Enterprise Recreation may have their membership revoked by a majority vote at any business meeting of the club. Refund dues immediately to the terminated member on a prorated basis. No terminated member shall be eligible for reinstatement of his or her membership.
It is the Boeing Employee Club's responsibility to verify the applicant is in compliance with the definition of Associate membership and keep the original application on file for audit by Boeing Enterprise Recreation or any other authorized Boeing Department.