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The Boeing Employee's Golf Association (BEGA) is comprised of 29 leagues throughout the Puget Sound Area. There are presently almost 900 members playing in the 14 men's leagues, 2 women's leagues, and 13 mixed leagues and 3 of those leagues cater to retirees. League play is held on various courses and are a mix of both 9-hole and 18-hole formats. Leagues are typically split into divisions based on handicap, giving beginning golfers as well as more advanced golfers, the opportunity to compete against players of similar ability.

Thirteen tournaments are held throughout the spring, summer and fall. Included in those tournaments is the Inter-league Tournament where winners from all leagues compete. Along with the Men's and Women's Championship there is a Spring Tournament at the end of April and a Fall Getaway in mid October. Annual BEGA dues are $20 for employees, $13 for retirees, and $10 per league after initial membership. Each league has additional dues that vary.

USGA Equipment Rules

 Click here for a list of Non-conforming equipment which is not to be used during league play or BEGA tournaments. It's up to you, the individual member, to hold people in your league accountable to the fair standards to which we play to make it a level playing field for all to enjoy this great game.


© 2017 by The Boeing Employees Golf Association. 

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